Tapping for Panic

Welcome to this free site about clearing Panic Attacks and Anxiety

I would like to share with you what helped me release panic attacks using meridian tapping (faster eft).

1st. Don’t feed the anxious thoughts.
When in an anxious state the mind will catastrophize, create doom and gloom scenarios.
Understand that what you are thinking and feeling is normal, it is what happens in an anxious state of mind.
Yes it is horrible, yes it is scary…but know that this is anxiety doing it’s thing, you are not a one off case and so try not buy into the problem. Recognise it for what it is; an anxious state that produces scary scenarios in your mind that are not actually happening.
In this state people mostly have ‘what if thoughts like;’ what if it gets worse’, ‘what if i go insane’, ‘what is this?’ ‘what is happening to me?’ etc. Don’t try and think your way out of panic, the thinking just makes it worse. See if you can come out of the thoughts, don’t feed into them, or add more…

2nd; Start tapping..

2nd: Direct all your attention and awareness towards your feelings and sensations that you have in your body.
Get curious, imagine you’re a scientist and you really want to know them. Imagine it is the first time you have felt them with no story attached.

Take all the labels off them like ‘fear’, ‘anxiety’,  Take all the story off it like: ‘I want to get out’, ‘I don’t like this’ etc
Take any images off them. See if you can notice them as pure sensation only.

4; Grab your wrists and say ‘peace’. See if you can really allow yourself to step into a good memory and feel that, or in a situation that makes you feel good. Imagine being with a good friend, or force yourself to laugh. If you can’t do that notice 5 different colours and say them out loud, notice 5 different sensations, 5 different sounds.

5. Go back to the tapping and see if you can encourage the sensations…i.e if it feels like a pressure see if you can make it more of a pressure. Send it kindness and compassion. You might want to imagine it as a younger you who just needs you to be there with it and support it. Make room for the feeling.
Notice the space around it, notice the centre of it. Notice the parts of your body that feel fine. Are your feet panicking? Is your hair scared?

6. Emphasize the breath out, and relax the jaw. You are sending a message for your body to relax. Slow your breathing down.

7.Slow the mind right down, even slower than you are doing. Notice the gaps in between.

I want you to know that you are ok, there’s nothing wrong. You will make it and you are loved.
It may feel really scary, but please know that you are fine. And that every time you allow yourself to feel these feelings you are actually making peace with a younger you that was too frightened to ever do that. There were so many times when I went through this and I had no idea what was happening, it felt so frightening. Now I know it is ok, that those symptoms like being really hot, cold, shaking, feeling sick, needing the loo, not being able to see properly etc are part of anxiety and are common for so many people.
The symptoms are meaningless, don’t take incorporate them and worry about them as well. I know longer buy into them and I want you to know that they are nothing, just the body doing it’s thing and helping to release any fear.
If you are really concerned get yourself checked out by a doctor and once you have been reassured that there is nothing wrong allow yourself to commit to not buying into the fearful thoughts that come up and your bodies response.
You’re only job is to be be with the sensation, encourage the sensation, see if you can send some love to it, or imagine someone else giving love to it. Trying to keep it here. You might surprise yourself.
Panic only appears out of the resistance to feel it, or the fearful thoughts about panic in the first place. Once you start cutting out and not buying into the worry thoughts about panic and encourage those feelings you may never have to go through it again. Or at least you will know you can handle them now.

Part of what keeps the strong feelings is the belief that we can not handle those feelings, that they could last forever, that they will kill us, or that they are making us crazy. These are all false beliefs… But it’s not until we actually sit with those feelings and really have them that we get to realise that.

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Tapping for Panic